Two Way Street By: Lauren Barnholdt

Two way Street
Synopsis from Barnes&
This is Jordan and Courtney, totally in love. Sure, they were an unlikely high school couple. But they clicked; it worked. They’re even going to the same college, and driving cross-country together for orientation.
Then Jordan dumps Courtney—for a girl he met on the Internet. It’s too late to change plans, so the road trip is on. Courtney’s heartbroken, but figures she can tough it out for a few days.
La la la—this is Courtney pretending not to care. But in a strange twist, Jordan cares. A lot.
Turns out, he’s got a secret or two that he’s not telling Courtney. And his secrets have everything to do with why they broke up, why they can’t get back together, and how, in spite of it all, this couple is destined for each other.

I bought this book on a whim because I haven’t heard too much about it and the plot sounded interesting and had that cute, contemporary feel too it. I’m sorry to say that I really didn’t like this book. The characters were interesting but the whole plot was just boring. Nothing really interesting happened to keep you hooked. This was a short book but it took me way longer than it should have to actually finish it. Just as I would pick it up to settle in for a big chunk of reading, I found myself getting way to distracted by so many things while reading it because nothing was really happening in the story. I thought that the idea of the story was great but the author didn’t take that idea and make it even more interesting within the book. Overall I gave this book a 2.5 out of 5 stars.

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